As I check my rain gauge for the last time the total was 14.8 inches. All this rain came in a 1 1/2 days. I live on West Trace "CREEK" Road here in Waverly Tennessee. Needless to say the creek turned into a river. It flooded hundreds of homes up and down the creek. I live kind a on a hill so I was safe from the creek but not many houses can stand that much rain.
The drain pipe around the foundation of my home could not take any more load and water seeped into the basement. I did pump it out and today it is all dry. Not so lucky for my church basement. I sent all morning today tearing up carpet and hauling it off.
As I watched the Nashville news I could only think of Hurricane Katrina. Middle and West Tennessee was flooded all over. No telling how many thousands of home where standing in water. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District said that this was a once in one thousand years occurrence. I hope so.
My wife, daughter and son-in-law ran a race that morning an hour south of here. So many roads were closed that it took them over 5 hours to get back home. My daughter and son-in-law spent the night with us because there was no way they could get back home in Nashville. The next morning at 8:00am they start home. At 7:00pm a boat picks them up on I40 (Interstate) and carries them to a Humvee waiting to carry them to a Red cross shelter. Nashville is only an hour and 15 minutes from my home.
We will be weeks, no months recovering from this disaster. We have so much water that our rivers will be weeks getting back down to normal, barring no more heavy rains.
God says in the last days there will be all kinds of natural disasters, wars and rumors of wars, signs in the heavens and on earth as never seen before. Hmm, everywhere I look these days I am seeing such things. Could it be?