Monday, February 11, 2013
There comes a time in most of our lives that we become overwhelmed because of situations going on that at the time we feel is out of our control. It happened to me a couple times while I took care of my dying wife. It is a feeling that comes over you like a huge wave. It starts to build and build until it comes crashing down upon you.
I went to the home of a lady who is caregiver of her grandmother the other day. I had never been here before and wanted them to know who I am and what I could offer them as a volunteer for the hospice company I go through. She was a nice enough lady and "granny" was also. Granny was 92 and more or less stayed in bed all of the time.
I told the granddaughter that what I do is stay with the patient while the caregiver has a chance to get out to pay bills, buy food or whatever. I could see in her eyes that she did not know about leaving her granny in the house with this man. The bars automatically went up and from then on it was just small talk.
I knew what was going on and tried to think of a way to get through to her that I will be helpful and needed in her life. I remembered the time one evening when I was so overwhelmed with caring for my wife knowing she was dying right there before me that I really thought that I would stroke out and drop dead right there in my living room. I couldn't talk so I text a lady friend to see if she could come over for a little while. She texted back and ask when and I said NOW! The lady was walking in my door in 10 minutes. That means she dropped what she was doing and broke a few speeding laws on the way over. As she walked in I walked out, never saying a word. I went out to the lake and sat and prayed for 30 minutes until the feelings past.
I began to tell the granddaughter that there will be times in caring for granny that she will become overwhelmed. That was all it took. The lights in her eyes came on and it was obvious that she had already been there. Down comes the bars and out comes the notepad and pen for me to write my cell number down. She then began to tell me how often she could use someone like me.
The bible says, "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." Philippians 4:6 God is always there for us. We have His number on speed dial. We have His word that whenever we need Him He is a prayer away. On that day that I became anxious/overwhelmed about the situation and it caused me to cry out for help and on that day God sent an angel to my rescue.
My Days Are Numbered
The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away. Psalm 90:10 (King James Version)
Tomorrow I will be going to another funeral. She was a dear friend for many years to both Dale and me. Cindy and Dale came down with cancer about the same time but Cindy's was brain cancer. She had it removed once but it came back? She was 59.
Dale and I have been praying for Cindy for years. We went to the same church back in the 70s and early 80s. Although we began to go to different churches we would still see each other in stores and such and kept up with each other. I work at the same company as her husband.
As I read Psalm 90:10 I am reminded that our days are numbered here on this Earth. OK, lets see, I am 56 years old and three score and ten (if my calculus is right) is 70 years. Now 70 minus 56 is 14 years. Now I know we can give or take specially if we are already 70!
Hmm, 14 years, I need to be busy about the Lord's business. Time seems to fly by faster the older you get. I look at it this way, there is a lot I can get done in 14 years. If I looked at it like 14 years is not very long I could get depressed and just sit back and wine.
I am excited at the opportunity to serve our Lord for the rest of my life no matter how long that might be. But I am aware that every day counts and plan on making the most of them.
Hiking the Grand Canyon
A dream of mine for a long time has been to hike across the Grand Canyon. This year on my second try I received the permit to hike and camp in the Grand Canyon. I am a planner. Once I set my mind on doing something I start to plan and plan and plan. While I routed my way across the canyon and out to the other side I figured I might as well turn around and hike back, see it from both angles.
I have bought my tent, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, backpack, boots and a few other things I will need. As of this date I have already hiked a 11 miler and a 10.5 miler with many more hiking trips planned to get me in shape. On my mission trips in Africa I have hiked from hut to hut all day long so I know that I can do this. The difference being I will be caring a 35 to 40 pound pack. I have been running for 28 years too so I will be ready.
My last hike was at Montgomery Bell State Park in Burns Tennessee. The MB trail was 10.5 miles around the park. I had gone 2/3 of the way around the park when I came out into a clearing where there was 2 buildings. One was a church and the other a home. Well, they were both old and in good shape. I went into the church and noticed the floors were stone and also the walls. It was nice and cool on this warm day and so I rested there. No one else was around so I began to sing. The acoustics was so great that I though even I sounded good. For the next 30 minutes or so I had a time singing to the Lord. I call them love songs, some may call them hymns.
I can't wait to hike the MB trail again so I can stop by the church for a while. Some of you may know that I have had a lot of stress and heartache lately. I didn't that day!
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
I'm Withering Away!
Well, I've lost 11 pounds. (In England if someone said he lost 11 pounds would everyone Be looking on the ground for money? I'm thinking out loud!) For the past 3 months, 1 day, 11 hours and 38 minutes I have not had an appetite. Thus the losing of weight. I could stand to lose a few pounds so health wise I am doing OK. I hardly ever eat lunch anymore and never eat out of boredom.
I was reading 1 Peter chapter 2 1-3 today and it made me think of the spiritual hunger I once had for the Word of God. All the goings on of this past year has drained me of an appetite for most everything. Unfortunately my hunger for reading and studying the bible has also suffered. (I can't believe I'm telling you this! Thinking out loud again.)
We are studying at church on Sunday nights about protecting ourselves from the evil one by reading the bible, spending time in prayer and trusting in the power of God. I am in good company and feel sure the hunger will return soon. I admit I am ashamed of my present situation and look forward to the day that I kiss my bible after every reading out of love for that Book.
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