As I was reading Matthew 14 tonight I came across a couple of verses that I just had to slow down and think about for a while. Verse 24 says, “But the boat was now in the middle of the sea, tossed by the waves, for the wind was contrary.” You see, while I was in Israel the last time Dale and I went to see the “Jesus boat” that was found and dated to the time of Christ.
I learned that during the time of Christ that the sail was used but they hadn’t learned how to use it when the wind wasn’t blowing in the right direction. In other words if you wanted to go west you needed a wind coming out of the east in order to use the sail. If it was out of the south say, you would have to put away the sails and use oars instead.
I have had trouble running a boat with a 25 horse motor when the waves were high and the wind blowing me sideway and such. I am sure that the disciples were struggling that night. And then verse 25 and 26 comes along where Jesus comes walking on the water toward them. Jesus says in verse 27, “Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid.”
Peter says, “Lord, IF it is You, command me to come to You on the water.” We all know the rest of the story how Peter comes out of the boat walking on the water but when he begins to look around at the waves and all he gets scared and begins to sink.
Now the next time Peter talks to Jesus he is sinking into the Sea of Galilee which I also learned while in Israel can be over 100 feet deep in some areas. This time there is no “IF”. He cries out to the only One that can help him, “Lord save me!”
When all was said and done the disciples came and worshiped Him, saying, “Truly You are the Son of God.” Instead of the latest praise music they only had the creaking of the boat but they worshipped Him. I am sure in my own mind that they bowed before Him and confessed that Jesus was (not if) the Son of God.
So bare with me for just a moment as I confess myself that Jesus IS the one and only Son of God! It has been almost 33 years now but I can still remember as if it was yesterday crying out to God, “Lord save me!” and He did. Now for all of these years I bow down before Him and I worship Him. Jesus, my Lord, my Savior and my God.
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