I was reading this morning in Acts 14:17, “Yet he has not left himself without testimony: He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; he provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy.”
I don’t know about you but I will be “filled with joy” when spring arrives. Here in Tennessee we have 4 seasons and this year the winter has been long and cold and snowy and …. did I mention long? It must be the global warming (oops! sorry, climate change).
I am reminded that our seasons are for a reason and that as long as this world as we know it lasts we will have seasons with cold, mild and warm weather. As you can probably tell, I am not too worried about all the talk in the news and from our liberal left about climate change. I am just antsy about the coming of spring.
This morning as my wife and I went for our run the wind was still cold when the wind was in our face but all we had to do is get out of the wind and the sun was warm and pleasant. Spring can’t be too far away. It will not be long and we will be wishing for cooler weather when we are sweating in the heat of summer. Go figure.
So for those of you who are getting cabin fever like myself, it want be long! We will be planting our gardens and mowing the yard in no time. Spring has got to be just right around the corner.