Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:16
This morning I was doing my reading from the book of Hebrews and when I came across this very familiar verse I just had to stop and ponder on it for a while. I must admit that I try to keep up with the news. Not just in this country but all over the world. It is a wonder that I am not depressed all the time with all the bad news that I hear.
But in stead of taking a pill for depression I am constantly reminded that there is also Good News. Good News just like I read this morning. We can come boldly to our Maker and find help in these troubled times. The only time that I find myself not coming boldly to the throne of grace is when I feel that I have disappointed the Lord of grace.
My daily prayers are filled with, "Lord, led me into Your perfect will" and " Revive me and draw me closer to Your side". I have never considered myself to have reached that prefect place in God's will and I'm sure that I will not in this life but that is the place I want to be. So, I must press on and continue daily to get to that place.
Let us come boldly every day to the place where we can find help, the throne of grace so that we can find mercy when we fall short and help in these troubled times. We can always count on the Lord to provide that help that we will all need in these last days.
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