While out on a 4 mile run this afternoon a, let me say voice, kept asking me questions. I was not born or let me say born again yesterday. I knew immediately who this voice was. It was Satan, the ole devil. To my knowledge he does not come by very often. I guess I am not that very important.
I am use to getting asked questions. My wife ask me questions all the time. I am also use to not answering questions. My wife ask so many that I don't have time to answer them all. Today the questions came one right after another. I remembered when Jesus had to listen to Satan in the wilderness. He only answered with scriptures.
Satan brought up past sins that I had committed. Not the white lies or the sins of omission but the ones that make me cringe each time I think about them. Sins that if done by others I would condemn.
Satan asked about the time I sinned by ****? (I cringed) "Forgiven!" Ephesians 1:7 says, "In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace."
And over and over again he would ask about another time when I had failed God miserably and my only answer was "Forgiven". I know in my heart that I am a sinner, one of the worst but God has saved me through His Son because of His amazing grace.
In these last days, I think it wise for us to remember the amazing grace of God our Maker and give Him much praise.
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