Friday, November 2, 2012

I Marked Her Grave Today

I began looking for a grave stone within a week of my wife's death. I looked on the internet and went to the graveyard and looked at all the other stones before I settled on one for her grave. I wanted one that was smooth all over and shiny. I thought that I just wanted one that was gray because most in the graveyard were gray. I didn't want one that was too big or too small.

I went to a monument place to see if I could come up with a stone like I had in mind. As I walked around I spotted a stone that looked pink. Come to find out it was called pink granite from Canada. It was perfect. For the design I wanted to emphasize the love we had for each other. I chose one that had two wedding rings in the middle with roses on both sides. Dale loves pink, her wedding ring and roses.

Today I got the call that the stone was in place so I went to see it. As I began to drive 10 or 12 miles to the graveyard I begin to cry again. I am still waiting for time to start healing. When I got there I spotted the pink marker before I got out of my truck. It was so pretty and shiny. Taking my camera and a vase of flowers I walked up to the grave and set the vase down on the ledge. I got the vase for Dale on a Kenya mission trip. Little did I know that it would be a part of her monument at the time.

After taking a few pictures and praying and crying I stepped back and realized that it was perfect. I did a good job. I know that Dale is with the Lord now probably running the streets of gold. I know that she is out of pain and that all her tears have been wiped away. I know too that if the Lord does not come before I die that this will be my resting place too. Going to be with the Lord is something I would like to do right now. It is the dying part that I'm not crazy about.

But I am somewhat comforted knowing that a monument is set up for the most wonderful woman in the world, my sweetheart.

Come Lord Jesus.


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