Tuesday, January 8, 2013

I'm Withering Away!

Well, I've lost 11 pounds. (In England if someone said he lost 11 pounds would everyone Be looking on the ground for money? I'm thinking out loud!) For the past 3 months, 1 day, 11 hours and 38 minutes I have not had an appetite. Thus the losing of weight. I could stand to lose a few pounds so health wise I am doing OK. I hardly ever eat lunch anymore and never eat out of boredom. I was reading 1 Peter chapter 2 1-3 today and it made me think of the spiritual hunger I once had for the Word of God. All the goings on of this past year has drained me of an appetite for most everything. Unfortunately my hunger for reading and studying the bible has also suffered. (I can't believe I'm telling you this! Thinking out loud again.) We are studying at church on Sunday nights about protecting ourselves from the evil one by reading the bible, spending time in prayer and trusting in the power of God. I am in good company and feel sure the hunger will return soon. I admit I am ashamed of my present situation and look forward to the day that I kiss my bible after every reading out of love for that Book. Alight


Myra Johnson said...

I found you!!!!!!!!!!!!

When you commented on Picture My Thoughts several weeks ago, I could not answer you because there was only the screen name Alight.
I contacted some friends that are sort of on the blog circuit, asking who you might be.
I just saw your comment on Picture My Thoughts from January 9th tonight.
I left a message for you on that page, hoping maybe you would return to it.
I also sent a message to the owner of Life With Christ asking him if he knew you.
Next, I decided to just start looking at lists of Life With Christ bloggers. You were on page 21..... With a few clicks, I am here on this blog.
I suppose you know from my writing that my husband and I lost our son in a car accident some years ago. I don't know the pain of losing a spouse, but I know something of it. Please do not be ashamed to talk or be ashamed of your present situation. Life has turned upside down for you. Denying that it has will not help. Please email me anytime at
I feel that God is not finished with you yet on this earth. You will walk out the rest of it without Dale beside you, but not without God beside you. In His sovereignty, He has her with Him now. He has you here now. I know it is hard, but we must trust that He is God, holding the entire universe together and He is in charge of our lives. I hope you can sleep tonight. I will pray for you as you come to mind. ---Myra

Jim Swindle said...

Thank you for your honesty on your blog. I can't quite imagine what you've been through.

I pray that your hunger for the word will return soon. Remember that there are lots of different ways to take in the word--for example, listening to audio such as the free World English Bible at audiotreasure.com - Neither the best translation nor the best reading, but a very good translation and a very good reading. Another possibility is reading on the Nook or Kindle. I think both ESV and HCSB (and KJV) are available free. Another idea: Just memorize a verse. Write it on a card; look day by day until you've memorized it.

Having said all of that, my own hunger for the word goes up and down. I thank the Lord that it never completely disappears. You're in his hand, brother. Grace, mercy and peace to you.

alight said...

Cindy came down with cancer about the same time my wife Dale did. We have known her family for years. She was in our daily prayers. Her son and my daughter were most athletic in high school. We even went to the same church for years. The last time I saw Cindy "awake" was at Sarah Cannon where they both were getting treatments. I think it was my Sweetheart's last treatment. When we were walking out the door I looked back at Cindy who had long ago stopped talking and she blew me a kiss.

Today they buried her 20 feet away from my wife's grave. I had a hard time making it through the funeral. You see, the more you love someone the harder it will be on you if you lose them. I made me a promise today that I will never never ever ever get married again but if I do I will find someone that I don't even like at all!

alight said...

Thank you for your very good advice and kind words.


Jim Swindle said...

I'm praying for you again tonight. May you find fresh hope in the Lord as the spring comes again. May you grieve, but grieve with hope (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). I can't imagine how difficult it has been or is, but I know the Lord understands what I can't.

alight said...

Thank you Jim. I am doing better these days. I went to the grave 2 days ago to check on the flowers and did not break down. I believe Jesus died and rose again. I have been to the tombs in Jerusalem and they are empty. I believe He is coming back as He promised.

Jim Swindle said...

