My wife bought me a new bible many years ago for my birthday. She had my name put on the front cover and it was real nice. After many years of use it started to fall apart so I bought a cover to go on it. Well, the other day I decided to retire it and get a new one. I found a nice one that was almost the same as the one my wife gave me.
I have read through the bible many times. One year I read through the New Testament over and over. I come up with the idea of writing the New Testament down by hand hoping that I would pick up things. I have the whole copy of the New Testament now in my own hand writing.
One year I read the bible an hour a day. That was very hard because of a busy life. One day I was on a road trip out west and had traveled from 2:00 am till late in the evening. It was 11:00 pm when I realized that I had not read my bible that day. I jumped up out of the hotel bed and to keep from waking anyone up I sneaked outside and read my bible in the truck.
I have highlighted tons of scriptures in the old bible. Many times I have reread a highlighted verse and wondered why I highlighted it to begin with. I guess the Lord was telling me something for that particular time. To me the bible is alive.
Well, I have ordered new highlight pencils so I am ready to color up my new bible when the Lord moves me. I am excited to have my new bible and hope that this one will last the rest of my life. It sure is hard to break in another one. My old bible and I were kind of close.
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