For those of my readers that do not know, my wife has breast cancer. She come down with cancer about 4 years ago. It came back 2 years ago in her hip, 2 vertebra and her liver. For 23 months now there has been NO change, growth or spreading. Praise the Lord for holding it in check.
The chemo has been very rough on her but she is a trooper. She continues to be an avid runner and exerciser. Her doctor changes her chemo to a different one about ever 6 months because it weakens her so much. Each different kind has it's own bad side effects. Her hair is now growing back from the last kind of chemo.
Well, 3 weeks ago she had a treatment and the next day something strange started to happen to her. Within a week her whole left side was not working normally. She is going to have another pet scan in a week but we think she has had a mini stroke.
It seems in this life that when it rains it pours. Because of our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ we have kept our sanity. "Thank You Jesus that we can always trust in You to see us through whatever this life throws at us." We believe Jesus still heals and will do miracles. It keeps us going.
We believe in the power of prayer and encourage everyone to remember Dale in prayer. You don't know how much it helps us to keep on keeping on when we know that others are going to our Lord on Dale's behave.
Today Dale had an MRI and it was not a stroke... the cancer has moved to her brain in 2 places.
Dale will be having surgery on Friday the 26th to remove one of the cancers. The other one will be treated with radiation. Pray, pray and pray.
Dale had her surgery on Friday and came home on the following Monday. Everything went well. We will wait 2 weeks before starting radiation. Thank you Lord!
I will pray for her and for you. I can't imagine the worry I would have for my wife. Your Brother in Christ, Gabe (the Envirocapitalist)
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