“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
Paul was discussing with those at Philippi things that he had learned while on his missionary journeys. Some of the time he was blessed with all that he needed to keep going. Sometimes he had dire needs and had to do without. There was no doubt that it was God's will for Paul to travel across the country spreading the Good News and starting churches. Sometimes we he faced opposition and sometimes he found faithful followers who insisted on helping him anyway that they could.
There were times when he was hungry and didn’t know where his next meal would come from. And there were times that he sat down and had a feast with his friends. Food was not readily available on every street corner as it is in our country today. I am sure there were times when Paul ran out of money and just had to do without.
There were times when churches would take up offerings to send him on his way. But there were also times he had to stop and work to make a living. Paul was able to continue through the good times and the bad because he learned some very important things. He says,”I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.”
He was able to do both because of the strength he received through Christ Jesus. Paul needed the strength that Christ gives not just when he was in need but also when he had everything he needed. Relying in our own strength will usher in pride and keep us off our knees.
Beware when all is well. We will still need the strength of Jesus, maybe more so. Relying on Christ Jesus and His strength, hmm, something we must learn.