Tonight I finished watching the speech made by Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu to the U.N. He told of Israel's desire to have peace with her neighbors and of the threat of Iran to his country and others.
He stood up to the cowardly U.N. and more or less shamed them for their conduct. What I am ashamed of the most is the fact that the U.N. is in the United States. Oh how I wish that we would close the doors and ship the U.N. off to some other country. It is powerless anyway and only creates more trouble than helps.
I am a proud Israel backer. I salute their P.M. and thank him for his courage and wisdom. If only we had a man like that in charge. Benjamin Netanyahu only spoke the truth. Did the U.N. finally see the truth or will they continue to be blind, time will tell. My guess is that nothing will change.
My definition of the word ignorant is "one who ignores the truth". The U.N. is ignorant. As I watched the one Palestinian representative walk out while he was speaking I once again realize that they do not want peace with Israel but want them to be gone and I might add, by whatever means necessary.
God bless Israel and may God have mercy on those who oppose her.
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