For a couple of months now I have been planning a week of fishing with my brother from Indiana. He will be coming down to Tennessee next week and I am taking a week of vacation and all we are going to do is fish, fish and then fish some more. We are both excited and can't wait. I have 4 more days to work and then I am off for 2 weeks. The hours at work are starting to drag by. I am worse than a kid at Christmas time.
The water is cooler now and Kentucky Lake has dropped to it's winter pool (about 5 feet lower than in the summer). We will have to change everything that we were doing in the Spring. The places that we caught tons of fish this Spring will be bare ground now. We are up for the challenge.
For years and years now I have been waiting for another event. The soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ to take us so we can be with Him forever. The waiting has been so hard but I know it will all be worth it on that Day.
I call my brother from time to time to be sure he is still coming. Each time he excitedly tells me that nothing will stop him. I believe he is more excited than I am. Well, from time to time I have to go back to the scriptures and read where Jesus says that He is still coming back. He promises us that He will and in alight's translation it says, "I wouldn't miss it for the world".
Come Lord Jesus!
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