Those who know me know that the Apostle Paul is my hero. When I go on my missionary journeys I want to do things that Paul would have done. Like spreading the Good News and starting new churches. Ones I was hit with a rock and an apple core from people who didn't want me to shut down the dental clinic that day. I thought of Paul and rejoiced that I was counted worthy to receive such a blessing.
I have been a part of starting 12 new churches. I preached the first sermon in 2 of them. I have prayed with almost 500 people to receive Christ Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Then I read 2 Corinthians 11:24-28 and I drop back down to earth. I realize that there is no comparison between Paul and me.
Verse 24 says, From the Jews five times I received forty stripes minus one. If my math is right that would be 195 stripes. Can you imagine what his back must have looked like? Verse 25 says, Three times I was beaten with rods. Hey, that had to have broken bones and left him extremely disfigured. Verse 25 also says, once I was stoned. Stoning was a capital punishment, they meant to kill him.
Acts 14:19 says, "...they stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city, supposing him to be dead." Can you imagine what Paul looked like after the stoning? Then can you imagine what he looked like after they dragged him (probably behind a horse) out of the city. He had to have been so broken up and the road out of town would have left him cut and scratched up all over.
No, I'm no Apostle Paul! Don't even come close! When I read where Paul is telling them about what large letters he writes with his own hands, I think, no wonder, his hands must be so disfigured that it takes 2 hands just to hold his pencil.
My hero, the Apostle Paul was, I believe in the center of God's will. The best place to be no doubt but not the safest but that is another blog.
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