Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Philippians 4:13 In Context

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Paul was discussing with those at Philippi things that he had learned while on his missionary journeys. Some of the time he was blessed with all that he needed to keep going. Sometimes he had dire needs and had to do without. There was no doubt that it was God's will for Paul to travel across the country spreading the Good News and starting churches. Sometimes we he faced opposition and sometimes he found faithful followers who insisted on helping him anyway that they could.

There were times when he was hungry and didn’t know where his next meal would come from. And there were times that he sat down and had a feast with his friends. Food was not readily available on every street corner as it is in our country today. I am sure there were times when Paul ran out of money and just had to do without.

There were times when churches would take up offerings to send him on his way. But there were also times he had to stop and work to make a living. Paul was able to continue through the good times and the bad because he learned some very important things. He says,”I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.”

He was able to do both because of the strength he received through Christ Jesus. Paul needed the strength that Christ gives not just when he was in need but also when he had everything he needed. Relying in our own strength will usher in pride and keep us off our knees.

Beware when all is well. We will still need the strength of Jesus, maybe more so. Relying on Christ Jesus and His strength, hmm, something we must learn.



Sunday, October 25, 2009


Today while I was out running I noticed the leaves turning to all their brilliant colors that they do every fall. Just three days ago everything was green but we had a frost and that changed things. This year it looks like all the different trees will turn at the same time. It will be so beautiful in Tennessee in less than a week.

I will soon have to grab my camera and hop into my pickup and head down the road looking for that perfect picture. The problem will not be finding beautiful hill sides or trees around a lake. No, it will be picking out the best of the best pictures. I will save them like I will never ever see such sights again. Funny, it turns fall every year.

The great thing about Tennessee is that we have 4 seasons and most of the time we get to enjoy all 4. Fall may be my most favorite because I run and hunt. The weather is cooler for running and it is time to spent time in the woods. Most changes I have trouble with but not the seasons. In Tennessee you get bored with one season just wait it will change soon.

Life has its changes too. Some of the changes are like the first frost or the first big snow. Or some are like the first thunder storm with high winds. Like our seasons they soon pass and the frost and snow melts and the storm blows over.

Speaking of changes, oh at the changes in my life! Some for the good and some well, not so good. But I am so glad that God had a plan for me. Raised poor and needy the Lord gave me a good job, then a wonderful wife and daughter. Then He put in my heart to be a soul winner. Later the burden to go into all the world on mission.

I am thankful that as a poor boy in Tennessee I was not forgotten. It is so neat that Almighty God cares for little ole me. The plan for my life does have its ups and downs but as long as God is with me I don’t care. I know that the plan will work.



Thursday, October 15, 2009

How can the U.N. be so blind?

Tonight I finished watching the speech made by Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu to the U.N. He told of Israel's desire to have peace with her neighbors and of the threat of Iran to his country and others.

He stood up to the cowardly U.N. and more or less shamed them for their conduct. What I am ashamed of the most is the fact that the U.N. is in the United States. Oh how I wish that we would close the doors and ship the U.N. off to some other country. It is powerless anyway and only creates more trouble than helps.

I am a proud Israel backer. I salute their P.M. and thank him for his courage and wisdom. If only we had a man like that in charge. Benjamin Netanyahu only spoke the truth. Did the U.N. finally see the truth or will they continue to be blind, time will tell. My guess is that nothing will change.

My definition of the word ignorant is "one who ignores the truth". The U.N. is ignorant. As I watched the one Palestinian representative walk out while he was speaking I once again realize that they do not want peace with Israel but want them to be gone and I might add, by whatever means necessary.

God bless Israel and may God have mercy on those who oppose her.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I celebrate with my friend

I went to Christianblog.com today and checked out some of my favorite bloggers and low and behold, "K" had posted her 500th blog. As usual it was a keeper. Some people are just so gifted at writing down their thoughts. I am jealous.

This lady you just have to know. She is so bright and very easy to understand. Most of the time that I write a blog I post it thinking that no one will understand what I am trying to say. Not so with K.

Well, congratulations to my dear friend for a huge milestone. I look forward to reading the next 500. To go and check out K at Christianblog.com here is the address http://www.christianblog.com/bio/kreynolds/

Many blessings to my dear friend,


Monday, October 12, 2009

Gone Fishing 2

Today my brother from Indiana and I went fishing again and we fished most all day. We started at 7:00 am and came home at 1:00 pm for a couple of hours. I went and ran 4 miles and biked 3 1/2 and then we went back fishing at 3:00 pm. We fished until almost dark catching several more bass.

Well, I caught the big one today. The bass weighed 6 pounds. Tomorrow we will be going back (if it doesn't rain) and hopefully catch a boat load. I will try to let him catch the big fish but no promises.

The sky today was mostly cloudy but enough sun would shine through to paint the sky the most beautiful colors. I couldn't help but keep looking up and thinking "what an Artist". Thomas Kinkaid can't touch that!



Sunday, October 11, 2009

What did Paul look like?

Those who know me know that the Apostle Paul is my hero. When I go on my missionary journeys I want to do things that Paul would have done. Like spreading the Good News and starting new churches. Ones I was hit with a rock and an apple core from people who didn't want me to shut down the dental clinic that day. I thought of Paul and rejoiced that I was counted worthy to receive such a blessing.

I have been a part of starting 12 new churches. I preached the first sermon in 2 of them. I have prayed with almost 500 people to receive Christ Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Then I read 2 Corinthians 11:24-28 and I drop back down to earth. I realize that there is no comparison between Paul and me.

Verse 24 says, From the Jews five times I received forty stripes minus one. If my math is right that would be 195 stripes. Can you imagine what his back must have looked like? Verse 25 says, Three times I was beaten with rods. Hey, that had to have broken bones and left him extremely disfigured. Verse 25 also says, once I was stoned. Stoning was a capital punishment, they meant to kill him.

Acts 14:19 says, "...they stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city, supposing him to be dead." Can you imagine what Paul looked like after the stoning? Then can you imagine what he looked like after they dragged him (probably behind a horse) out of the city. He had to have been so broken up and the road out of town would have left him cut and scratched up all over.

No, I'm no Apostle Paul! Don't even come close! When I read where Paul is telling them about what large letters he writes with his own hands, I think, no wonder, his hands must be so disfigured that it takes 2 hands just to hold his pencil.

My hero, the Apostle Paul was, I believe in the center of God's will. The best place to be no doubt but not the safest but that is another blog.



Saturday, October 10, 2009


Some of you may be wondering about the name "Alight" and I thought that I would explain. Alight was my name that I used at Christianblog.com. I wanted to have a blog name that made a statement. I was listening to a song one day and heard the phrase "be a light". Well, that phrase stuck in my mind and I knew a-light would be my blog name.

I love to take pictures and every chance I get to take a picture of lights, sunsets, the moon, etc. I do it. Jesus said, "I have come as a light into the world, that whoever believes in Me should not abide in darkness." I believe my job as a Christian is to shine the light of Christ into a dark world.

I go on many mission trips, always to a dark part of the world. Where I live there is a church on every corner so I have a burden to go where there are no churches.

So now you know!



The sunset picture was taken in the Great Rift Valley right in the middle of the Serengeti, Africa.

First day in the Penthouse

Today was the first day that I hunted my Penthouse stand. It's deer/turkey archery season in Tennessee. I took my bow and camera and was in the stand at 3:00 pm. About an hour later these 5 does came out. They left 30 minutes later and several more does showed up.

Then here comes a small buck. He was eating like he was trying to get fat. I have a "trail camera" set to take pictures of whatever moves in front of it. It hangs on one leg of the tree stand. I had my computer with me so I checked the pictures it has taken over the past week and several does and 2 bucks had their pictures taken. So I know that I have 3 different bucks using the area.

I hope to take many more deer pictures. If I take a buck with the bow he will have to be a big one. I would rather take pictures. I want to thank the Lord for blessing me with such a beautiful place to live.



Sunday, October 4, 2009

Gone Fishing

For a couple of months now I have been planning a week of fishing with my brother from Indiana. He will be coming down to Tennessee next week and I am taking a week of vacation and all we are going to do is fish, fish and then fish some more. We are both excited and can't wait. I have 4 more days to work and then I am off for 2 weeks. The hours at work are starting to drag by. I am worse than a kid at Christmas time.

The water is cooler now and Kentucky Lake has dropped to it's winter pool (about 5 feet lower than in the summer). We will have to change everything that we were doing in the Spring. The places that we caught tons of fish this Spring will be bare ground now. We are up for the challenge.

For years and years now I have been waiting for another event. The soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ to take us so we can be with Him forever. The waiting has been so hard but I know it will all be worth it on that Day.

I call my brother from time to time to be sure he is still coming. Each time he excitedly tells me that nothing will stop him. I believe he is more excited than I am. Well, from time to time I have to go back to the scriptures and read where Jesus says that He is still coming back. He promises us that He will and in alight's translation it says, "I wouldn't miss it for the world".

Come Lord Jesus!

