Saturday, July 21, 2018

Hiking the Beaten Path, MT

July 14,2018 my wife and I hiked the East Rosebud side of the Beaten Path in Montana. What a beautiful place. The first day we hiked to the other side of Elk lake and set up camp. It was a beautiful spot with the rushing stream on one side and a waterfall on the other. We had some deer walk right beside our camp.
The next morning we broke camp and headed to Rainbow Lake. The trail is very rocky and and there is a lot of elevation gain from this side of the trail so it was a slow go but everywhere you looked it was so beautiful.
The stream was wild! Still a lot of snow melt.
We passed Rimrock Lake next.
After about 4 hours we made it to Rainbow Lake
This lake has lots of fish and I caught us 2 rainbow trout to have with dinner. They were so tasty. While I’m fishing my wife sets up camp.
The next morning I hiked up to Lake at Falls. It was worth the extra miles.
After returning to Rainbow we broke came and began to hike back to Elk Lake. This time we camped on the side of the lake.
We saw 2 grizzly bears about a mile past Rimrock Lake. What a sight and I was glad they were on the other side of the stream. After a couple more miles we see East Rosebud lake again.
We spent 3 nights and 4 days on the trail. It was fun. It was beautiful. I will be back.
